Credentials required after the EB been shared publicly - Table widget

01-18-2024 04:32 PM
New Contributor II


I create an ArcGIS Experience Builder and I shared it with public and I 100% sure that all the related content and data are shared with public but once I am testing it using different browsers include incognito browser I am getting a message asking to sign in! the weird thing is some pages asking for credentials and the other not.

I did couple of tests and I noticed that the pages that contain the attribute table widget is asking to sign in but the others not. 

any idea? it is super urgent! 

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Are you able to share a link to the Experience?

New Contributor III

Are you using the Business Analyst widget in your Experience?

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Esri Contributor

Hi @aawadrsk ,

Have you check the browser network to see which data source is requesting credential? And then double confirm if that data source is shared publicly. Please also check if that is the data used in Table widget. 

If you cannot figure still, could you share your public app to us so we can help investigate. 


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