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Edit Widget - How to set up for editing for related tables

03-02-2024 01:02 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

Hello -

I am using Experience Builder in ArcGIS online and have a parent hosted feature layer (Asset) with a related table of inspections. I have set up the pop-up and a form in map viewer to include the related table and I can edit the related table when editing the parent feature layer in map viewer, but I can't figure out how to set it up the Edit widget in Experience Builder to do the same. I thought editing related tables was added to EB last fall. Can anyone explain to me how to implement this. I have looked through documentation but it is very sparse.

Many thanks!


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MVP Regular Contributor

Here is a guide on how to do it:

If it's working in the map viewer, and that map is driving the edit widget in the Experience, just double check that the widget is configured to allow both geometry and attribute updates. This is a requirement