Experience Builder as a data platform inside the Organization?

02-27-2023 01:08 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

Hi All!

I recently came across the Scrolling Page > Seeker template and found the template really interactive.  However, it was only designed to search/list out (with the search and list widget) data from one data source.  Yet, the template itself looks completely identical to those open data platforms for different cities where you can search for the required spatial datasets (say, an individual ArcGIS Online Item), or display the datasets below in the list widget.  I am wondering whether this can be achieved currently through Experience Builder, yet I already saw some limitations that the list/search widget is only designed for listing/searching inside a layer and they cannot be configured to list the ArcGIS Online items in an organization.




Eventually maybe this concept does not work.  Yet I would be grateful if anyone came across similar ideas and have their unique solutions/sharing to design a pseudo open data platform through Experience Builder (why I am doing so is because the current interface (i.e. My Content > Organization) is really not that interactive).

Have a nice day!

1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi @tcyd , 

What you mentioned is a very interesting idea. I agree that diverse data sources support will bring great value to ExB. For now, I think one workaround is to create a feature layer as an item index. For example, each item can be a record and the attributes could be some metadata for the item including the URL, thumbnail, description etc. Then the index layer could be used in ExB. 

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