Unable to download from embedded WAB in ExB (Portal 11.1)

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01-28-2024 06:44 AM
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Occasional Contributor III


I have a WAB that uses the situation analyst widget and I have it embedded in an ExB page. I am unable to download the data in the widget when it is embedded in my ExB. When I click the download button, nothing happens. This renders my whole app pretty useless!

I found this bug: https://support.esri.com/en-us/bug/unable-to-export-a-csv-file-from-a-web-app-embedded-in-bug-000149..., which says the issue was fixed in 11.1. I am running 11.1, and the WAB and ExB are on the same domain.... but I still cannot export. Any ideas?


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1 Solution

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Esri Contributor

Hi There,

This is due to some of the restrictions placed on the iFrame that is used to embed within Experience Builder. We were experiencing something similar and ended up modifying the embed widget to allow us to do this. See details on the someone else who had a similar issue, and the widget download.


This should be able to be published in to ArcGIS Enterprise and then used in place of the out of the box embed widget where you need to download and trust the content.


View solution in original post

2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi There,

This is due to some of the restrictions placed on the iFrame that is used to embed within Experience Builder. We were experiencing something similar and ended up modifying the embed widget to allow us to do this. See details on the someone else who had a similar issue, and the widget download.


This should be able to be published in to ArcGIS Enterprise and then used in place of the out of the box embed widget where you need to download and trust the content.


Occasional Contributor III

Thanks! This worked!

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