Intersect fails with FeatureLayer with PolygonZ geometry

02-16-2016 04:05 PM
Occasional Contributor

I recently changed a polygon feature class to be enabled for Z values. Thus the geometry type went from Polygon to PolygonZ.  I soon discovered that this broke some functionality in a custom AGX Add-In.

Here's some sample code:

// fLayer = this my polygon FeatureLayer

// graphicGeo = this is  polygon Geometry from a graphic I drew, same coordinate system as fLayer

Filter sFilter = new Filter();

sFilter.Geometry = graphicGeo ;

sFilter.SpatialSearchType = FilterSearchOptions.Intersects;

RowCollection rCol = fLayer.Table.Search(sFilter);

Console.WriteLine( rCol.Count )

When fLayer is a Polygon, rCol.Count will return the number of rows as expected

When fLayer is a PolygonZ, rCol.Count will always return -1.

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