Display multiple contact names for single address

11-23-2011 10:51 AM
New Contributor
Hi:  I imported a .cvs file that has contact information for association members, including names and addresses.  However, I can only see one member per address on my Windows laptop, but using my iPad I can access all members through a single push pin (please see attachments).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks and have a wonderful Thanksgiving...Ted
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: MikeR73

Unfortunately this is a known limitation in Explorer Online - you cannot identify multiple features at the same location when the data has been imported into the map. As far as I'm aware there are no plans to try to address this issue in a forthcoming release. Here are a couple of suggestions to work around the issue:

1. Use the ArcGIS.com javascript map viewer instead

2. Using Explorer Online - if you have access to an ArcGIS Server (or are a member of the ArcGIS for Organizations beta) then import your data into a hosted feature service as this does support identifying multiple features at the same location

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