HTML coding not supported in explorer online?

06-10-2011 06:58 AM
New Contributor II
I've created a map that has html coding in an attribute field.  While it works properly and shows the link as would be expected in the regular view of arcGIS online through the pop up, when switching to the arcGIS explorer online, the pop up shows the whole html string code and won't enable the hyperlink to work.  What gives?

I was trying to cut down from having the nasty long looking url strings that were popping up that had been able to work in arcGIS explorer online.

if confused here is what I mean
#<a hreff="www.linkhere.ocm">Text here</a> to get this:  Text here
- this works for arcGIS online as I get:  Text here

same thing above just shows the whole code in arcGIS explorer online

Any ideas as to why, because explorer online does support web linking through the attribute field, it just isn't pretty
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