Question on Features and Layers

03-03-2011 01:06 PM
New Contributor

I created a map in the previous version of ArcGIS Explorer that had several folders to organize various features.  When I opened this map up in the new version, all features have been combined into one layer. 

How can I move these features into new layers?  I'm not seeing a "Move to folder" function anymore.  Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

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2 Replies
New Contributor
Hi Kevin,

The new version of ArcGIS Explorer Online, released yesterday, has adopted a new approach to storing features in the map - we now support the concept of layers in which there are collections of features. There are a couple of important reasons why we did this - the first is to support interoperability between the various client applications (e.g Explorer Online map, map, iOS map etc.) and secondly so we are in a position to make future planned functionality enhancements possible.

So when you open an old map in the new application all your individual features (irrespective of whether they were in a folder) now appear in a Map Notes layer. However, I think you have a perfectly valid request that you'd like to be able to move various features from the Map Notes layer into other layers. I've entered an enhancement request for this, but feel free to also submit the request yourself to the Esri ideas website.

Mike Rudden
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New Contributor

Thank you very much for the response.  I will try and put in a request through the link you listed.  It seems the site is currently down though.  Everytime I try to click "Post" on the "ArcGIS-Idea" website, it gives me the following message:

"The page you are trying to access could not be retrieved
or the site is under maintenance
Please try again later."

I will check again later today or tomorrow.  In the mean time, thanks again for the answer.  If nothing else it makes me feel better knowing that I wasn't just oblivious and overlooking how to perform this ability.

Have a great weekend!

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