ArcGIS for Windows Mobile - Cache from feature service in ArcGIS Server

07-06-2015 03:13 AM
Occasional Contributor III


I'm putting together a project for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile (Windows Application) and would perhaps like to use feature services for syncing instead of the old Mobile Service. In MPC I can see that there is an option to connect to a 'hosted' feature service, but this expects the service to be either hosted on ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

With MPC, is there a way to connect directly to a feature service that is served by ArcGIS Server, without Portal installed?

If this can't be done via MPC, is it possible through the SDK?

I'm using ArcGIS Server 10.2.1 (without Portal) and ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.2.



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