ArcGIS Mobile 3.0PR for PDA questions

03-07-2012 05:40 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hi, not too sure if we can discuss pre-release or not yet.

If so, a few questions. If not, oops 😞 :

1) How do we disable the new identity stuff, we do not need it, it gets in the way of users to be forced to put in an identity, and also uses up valuable screen real estate to show the identity strip on top of all pages?

2) How can we disable the alert page that lists missing caches on startup? At present we have a one .amp file that references 20 or so basemap caches that reside on the device SD card. This means we can maintain just one .amp file, but swap out SD cards with the required basemap caches as required.

3) We went through a lot of discussion and set a number of business rules for GPS capture settings for the various layers (i.e. LayerX: one vertex per 10m, LayerY: one vertex every 5 seconds). However it has now changed to a global setting applicable for all layers. Is there any way to change the behaviour back, having one setting seems a bit of a backwards step?

Overall 3.0 is a good step forward, particularly with improvements to editing workflow, but the above three seem a little bizarre to be forced at a global/application level.

Many thanks
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