Create Mobile Cache - Error Extracting Layer

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09-29-2015 05:51 AM
New Contributor III

Good day,

I am creating a mobile cache to use in MPC.  Two layers will not extract and give me the above error "Error Extracting Layer" - with no error code or reason as to why it fails.  There is nothing that I can think of as different in these two layers.  All the layers in my .mxd are hosted on an SDE and the other layers extract fine.  Any ideas as to what causes this error?  I'm using simple symbology for all layers - the two in question are simple polygons.

ArcMap 10.1 - Advanced License

Any help would be lovely

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Occasional Contributor II

Are any of your feature extents out of place. That seemed to help me actually I am now able to synch properly for some reason my one feature class had extents that were out of place. Rebuilding the extent in arc catalog seemed to help. I also am using SDE as a source as well.

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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

I have been having issues with layers that have attachments enabled and a lot of attachment records are present.

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New Contributor III

I don't use any attachments - I have looked at the layers inside and out and there is nothing special about them.  All the layers in my mobile cache are sourced to an SDE but the one layer always fails to extract layer regardless of what I do.

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Occasional Contributor II

Are any of your feature extents out of place. That seemed to help me actually I am now able to synch properly for some reason my one feature class had extents that were out of place. Rebuilding the extent in arc catalog seemed to help. I also am using SDE as a source as well.

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New Contributor III

Just as you replied I noticed that the extents on that SDE layer is huge.  Unfortunately I am not the owner of that SDE layer so I cannot change it.  My work around was to generate a mobile service and add it into my mobile project that way.  I am willing to bet that the extents is the issue though.

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