How do you get a FeatureSource from a MapLayer in ESRI mobile 10.1.1

05-03-2013 03:46 PM
New Contributor III
In the 9.3 code you could just do a MapLayer.Layer to get the FeatureLayer. But in 10.1.1 they changed FeatureLayer to FeatureSource AND removed the Layer property from MapLayer.

Here's the old code someone else wrote that I'm upgrading:

    static public MapLayer FindMapLayer(string sLayerName, Map theMap)
        MapLayer lyr = null;
            lyr = theMap.MapLayers[sLayerName];
        catch { }
        return lyr;

    static public FeatureLayer FindFeatureLayer(string sLayerName, Map theMap)
        FeatureLayer featLyr = null;
        MapLayer lyr = FindMapLayer(sLayerName, theMap);
        if (lyr != null)
            featLyr = lyr.Layer;
        return featLyr;
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1 Reply
New Contributor II
I thing than in 10.1.1 the FeatureType object is used for layer. If so, perhaps the following piece of code is useful.

public static FeatureType FindFeatureTypeByName(string name)
foreach (FeatureSourceInfo fsinfo in MobileApplication.Current.Project.EnumerateFeatureSourceInfos())

foreach (FeatureType featureType in fsinfo.FeatureTypes)
if (featureType.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower())
return featureType;

return null;

Best Regards
Michael Salahoris
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