Topcon GRS-1 & ArcGIS Windows Mobile 10.2 - Login Failed

04-10-2014 09:37 AM
New Contributor II
I've installed ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.2 on a Topcon GRS-1. The issue I'm having is signing into ArcGIS online to download projects I've created in the MPC.

I've tried using both ArcGIS Online and an ArcGIS Portal connection to http(s):// Both prompt me for credentials & both report "login failed" when I enter them.

I tried falling back to version 10.1.1 with the same results. Actually, that's not true. With 10.2 I wasn't able to enter credentials for ArcGIS online at all; it would stop me with a "failed to establish trust relationship" error.

I have "My ISP" selected as the network source for all traffic. I also created a new user w/ a very simple username & password to ensure I wasn't typing anything incorrectly. Nothing's worked so far. I'd appreciate any input.
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5 Replies
New Contributor II
Fixed this. The issue was w/ the certificates on the device vs. what ESRI uses as their root CA. After manually installing the root certificate for Digicert, this works just fine.
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New Contributor III

I'm having issues with this also.  The only problem is, I don't know how to manually install the root certificate.  Could you go into some detail or give more insight?  Thanks!!

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New Contributor II

Sure thing, Chief...

I'm basing this of using Google Chrome. IE or Firefox shouldn't be too different. Log in to Click on the green padlock icon in the address bar, then the connection tab in the window that pops up. There should be a link there for certificate information. Open it up. A new window will open. Click on the tab that reads Certification Path. Select the certificate at the top of the chain - that's the Root CA certificate you're missing. Double click on it, go to the Details tab, then click the button that reads Copy To File. Save it someplace you'll remember.

Now, you need to get that file onto your Topcon device. I just used a SD card to copy it over. My Topcon's out in the field right now, so I have to go on memory for this next part. In the Windows Mobile control panel/settings window, there's an option for certificates. Open that, then find where to import a new one. Point it at the file you copied over & it should automatically set it as a Root CA.

That's it. If you're still having issues, let me know & I'll get back to you once the device is in hand again.

New Contributor III

That did the trick!  Thank you so much!

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New Contributor II

My pleasure! Glad it worked out.

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