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Any experience using Geoevent processor with NextBus API?

12-04-2015 01:23 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Wondering if anyone has tried this before. My goal would be to get the bus locations from this API​​​ into a web map. Thanks.

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Here is a link to what the xml endpoint I would like to query periodically looks like: . (Note they place some limits on how frequently you are allowed to query.)

When I use the input connector "Poll an External Website for XML" I get the error "Failed to get a response". Do I need to develop my own input connector to work with this xml format? Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Occasional Contributor II

Hi Tobias, did you ever figure this out? I'm looking to accomplish the same task in geoevent server. Thanks, M.

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