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Esri resource proxy available on GitHub

04-28-2015 12:58 PM
Esri Regular Contributor

ArcGIS Server administrators who have integrated either Portal or the Web Adaptor into their site and want to register a connection to their ArcGIS Server as a GeoEvent Data Store – in order to poll a feature service for features, for example – will want to know about the Esri Resource Proxy available on GitHub.

The proxy configuration provides administrators relying on username and password authentication a work around for GeoEvent setups which need to remain at the 10.2.x / 10.3 product releases. Once you have upgraded to the 10.3.1 product release (publically available 13-May 2015) you should no longer need to deploy the proxy as GeoEvent will accept and retain your users’ credentials for you.

The GitHub project provides proxy files for accessing resources secured with token based authentication (particularly important when working with the GeoEvent Extension) as well as accessing cross domain resources and accessing resources using OAuth 2.0 application login. The project provides proxies for the .NET, Java, and PHP web application frameworks.

Once the resource proxy has been deployed within your firewall, you should harden access to the proxy so that only GeoEvent can access it.

Additional information can be found on the project page.

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