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In Designer Dragging/Double Clicking does nothing

03-22-2014 05:20 PM
Occasional Contributor II
Cannot not get the Properties for Filters menu to pop up when dragging to designer or Double Clicking???
any ideas??

GEP 10.2.1
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Hello Brian -

I was unable to reproduce this with my build of GeoEvent Processor 10.2.1 using either Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 or Internet Explorer 9.0.8112 (update 9.0.25).

Can you let us know which browser and version you are using?

Thanks -
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New Contributor
I had the same problem using IE 11.0.9600.16521 (Update version 11.0.4) and 10.2.1 GEP.

I'd drag and drop or double-click Filter and nothing would happen.  Do the same on Processor and the configuration window popped right up. 

I was able to get the Filter to work by switching over to Firefox 25.0, so I'd say give that a try.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Thank you Rob -

Yes, I have confirmed that release 10.2.1 of GeoEvent Processor has a bug which prevents the Filter properties window from displaying when Manager is opened in an IE 11 browser.

This issue has been addressed in the 10.2.2 release which should be available publically later this month.

- RJ
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