Public Comment on Geoplans

04-10-2020 11:11 AM
New Contributor

Can you share geoplan projects with the public to solicit feedback on design scenarios? 

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3 Replies
New Contributor II

Hello, you are able to export a scenario from GeoPlanner to a ArcGIS Online / ArcGIS Enterprise webmap that can then be shared to publicly. This can be accomplished by going to Open Menu > Export > Export Web Map.

However, within GeoPlanner, you won't be able to share the project publicly, but you can invite individual people to collaborate with. This can be accomplished by going to Open Menu > Info > Invite User.



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New Contributor

Kenneth - thanks for your response.

I am trying to move a participatory design process online in response to covid.

I need the ability to solicit comments and feedback from the general publics. 

Do you know if urbanplanner for arcgis has this capacity? 

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New Contributor II

Sorry, I'm not sure if Urban Planner can do this.

Exporting the GeoPlanner project to an ArcGIS Online webmap will give the public access to view the feature and image layers in the project, but won't allow them to view some items, such as the dashboards.

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