Insert dynamic text into a Text box

02-09-2023 08:53 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
New Contributor III

I'd really love to be able to include dynamic text into the text and media boxes. It would be great to be able have the text box summarize what is being shown in the charts I'm displaying. Especially since these pages are often embedded into StoryMaps being able to have dynamic text would improve the narrative flow. 

At the very least, I have data that refreshes weekly and I'd love to be able to display the last day that the date was updated. My pages are scheduled to be shared every week, so all I would need is the ability to show today's date in a text box.

Is there a way that you recommend handling this in the mean time? I guess I could add a field to my table for current date, calculate the current date,and then make a KPI to just show that field value, but I'd be interested to know if there are easier solutions. 


Hi @SaraHedrick1,

Dynamic text is a great idea!

We are always looking for ideas like this to incorporate into our work/dev streams. 

I will relay this idea to the team.

Thanks for using Insights, Sara, and for helping shape its future development. 🙂




Great, and thank you for your response. In the mean time, do you have any recommendations on how to show the current date? I added a field to the and calculated the date there as a string. I was originally thinking I could filter it to just show where 'ObjectID = 1' and add a reference table the just showed that column and that single result, but it doesn't look like I can filter on Object ID. Any ideas for another work around? 


I added my vote to Sara's request.  It would be awesome to be able to display a single text item that shows the date of last update.  I have added a field to my table (in Excel) that automatically updates with today's date.  When I bring that table into Insights, I have to create a new reference table and filter it down to show only one row.  That gives me just the date info that I wanted, but unfortunately it takes up too much room on the screen because it uses an entire card for the display.  I'd like to be able to add a dynamic text item that displays this one piece of info.  Also, I'd like to be able to make it take up a small amount of space.  I don't need a gigantic card to display a single date.  Maybe something like an indicator in Operations Dashboards.



Thanks for your input, @IamAG! Your vote has been tallied! 🙂  

Thanks for participating in the Insights Community and letting us know how we can improve this product in the future.

