Add Images on map using API 4.x

10-08-2016 08:39 PM
New Contributor

I want to migrate my project API from ver. 3.15 to ver. 4.x in order to support 3D sceneView. And during the work, I've found that I have no way to add Images (PNG format) onto the map using the new API.

I used to use MapImageLayer and addImage() function to do so, but there are no longer addImage() method within MapImageLayer Class. It seems that the defination of MapImageLayer in 4.x is different from it in 3.15. Is there anyone have encountered this issue? If so, could you please share how you have solved this problem.


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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   I see in the documentation that there is a MapImage class that states:

The MapImage class can also be used to create a geo-referenced image file for use with the MapImageLayer.

But as you stated there is not addImage method on the MapImageLayer.

When deciding to migrate you have to choose if it is the right time or not based on available features. If the addImage method is critical to your app then you will need to postpone your migration.

The functionality Matrix make no mention of the addImage method so it is difficult to say if it is planned or not:

Functionality matrix | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.1 

Maybe odoe‌ can sheed some light on this.

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We don't currently have this functionality in 4.x. Not sure of when we will have it.


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