All identify results on 1 page

01-17-2012 12:59 PM
New Contributor
Is it possible to show the identify results from all layers on one page within the infoWindow popup? Without tabs or navigate to next page?
If yes, how is it done?

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Yes. The identify task returns results as JSON. It's up to you as to what you do with them. The samples show populating an info window or popup but you could just as easily build a string and put it in a div (or some other element).
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New Contributor
What i did is basically put all the results from 3 layers within the same infoTemplate.
However, the popup still gives me 3 pages of navigation, with the first layer result show up on 2 navigation pages.
Is it how popup set up? That it will always displays different layer results on different pages?
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Frequent Contributor
The popup is designed to show info about a single feature at a time. If you'd like to show info for multiple features at once, you can manually build up the info about your features and still using setTitle/setContent. Here's an example based on the identify sample w/popup sample
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New Contributor
Is there a way to keep the pop up in tact but make the ability to transfer contents to a datagrid optional?
Keeping all of the functionalities of the pop up in the datagrid, of course.


Zoom To To Data Grid

at the bottom of the pop up window

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Occasional Contributor
Thanks for the great example!
Is it possible to be able to anchor/embed the popup window into a sidepane?
I've been looking for an identify example but I have only found ones with a datagrid and tabs (which don't really work for me).
I love the way the popup returns features, how it displays multiple results and allows the users to scroll through those features easily.
I have a project where the popup is taking up too much of the map and I'd love to just anchor the popup to the sidebar.

Also is there any good reference/resource that I could use for customizing the popup?
In another project I want to not have "Zoom To" and the "Maximize" popup.
Thanks for all your great insight and examples,
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