API for JavaScript and browser incompatibility with Internet Explorer

02-22-2013 06:10 AM
New Contributor
I recently took the ESRI course for the JavaScript API, but they didn't mention that apps developed on 3.3 and before wouldn't be compatible on IE10.  It just sunk in that this could be an issue while reading the documentation.  Anyone have any ideas about compatibility?   I seriously hope that the course I took (and work i'm doing) wasn't for something that would basically be useless next year.

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor
I think you're referring to the Support for Popular Browsers under this section

So far, I have not run into any issues with IE10 on Win8. Not to say that some things may not work. I think that section should probably be updated unless the API team hasn't run through all their testing in IE10.

But I don't think you should have any issues moving forward.
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