Dojo workshops by sitepen

02-19-2015 12:55 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Hi, are you going to attend the dojo workshops organized by sitepen in March 2015?

Have you attended their workshops before? Did you like it?


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3 Replies
Regular Contributor III

I attended one in 2012. I can't attend one this year, but I would recommend that anyone that needs Dojo training to attend the training sitepen.

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Frequent Contributor

I wanted to do the online, but that's the same week as devsummit and they do not record the sessions.

Maybe another time.

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Occasional Contributor III

Yeah, I am going for the online ones. It is quite a big chunk of money and time so I am hoping it will be worth it. The fact that you guys have attended or were considering attending is a good sign!

The overlap with DevSummit is unfortunate indeed. But hey, I'd probably be watching the sessions on JS API anyway.

Cheers! F.

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