Editor Widget - Sannping Layers are not loaded

12-07-2022 05:22 AM
New Contributor

Hi ExB community,
I am using version 4.24.

1- I am using MapImageLayer and FeatureLayer layers in my project at the same time.
When I set the ListMode value to 'hide', layers are not loaded in SanappingLayer.
I don't want layers to be displayed in LayerList but SnappingLayer is active.

2- Is the simultaneous use of MapImageLayer and FetureLayer layers in the project
Is it the right thing to do?
What should I do to not override the layer?


 var strProxyUrl = "../../ProxyConfig/proxy.ashx";
    strUrl = "";
    strUrl2 = "";
    function rdBtnList_onchange() {

        if (document.getElementById('rdBtnList_1').checked) {
            strUrl = "";
            strUrl2 = "";
        else if (document.getElementById('rdBtnList_2').checked) {
            strUrl = "";
            strUrl2 = "";
        return false;

    var identifyTask;
    var params;
    var arrMapLayers = [];
    var objFeatureLayer = null;
    var view = null;
    function InitMap() {
            "esri/config", "esri/request", "esri/widgets/LayerList"
        function (Map, WebMap, MapView, Editor, MapImageLayer, esriRequest, FeatureLayer, esriConfig, esriRequest, LayerList) {
            esriConfig.request.proxyUrl = strProxyUrl;

            if (document.getElementById('rdBtnList_0').checked) {

                esriConfig.request.proxyUrl = strProxyUrl;
                const webmap = new WebMap({
                    portalItem: {
                        id: "459a495fc16d4d4caa35e92e895694c8"

                var view = new MapView({
                    container: "viewDiv",
                    map: webmap

            } else {

                var objMapImageLayer = new MapImageLayer({
                    url: strUrl,
                    proxyUrl: strProxyUrl
                objmap = new Map();
                view = new MapView({
                    container: "viewDiv",
                    map: objmap
            let layerList = new LayerList({
                view: view
            view.ui.add(layerList, {
                position: "top-left"
            view.when(function () {
                DoEsriRequest_GetMapLayers(esriRequest, Editor, view);
                DoEsriRequest_GetFeatureLayers(esriRequest, FeatureLayer);

            }).catch(function (err) {
                console.error("objMapView rejected:", err);

    function DoEsriRequest_GetMapLayers(esriRequest, Editor, view) {
        var options = {
            query: {
                f: "json"
            responseType: "json"
        esriRequest(strUrl + "/legend", options).then(function (response) {
            if (response == null)

            if (response.data == null)

            let responseJSON = JSON.stringify(response, null, 2);
            let arrResponseJSON = JSON.parse(responseJSON);

            for (let i = arrResponseJSON.data.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Make_Editor(Editor, view);

    function Make_Editor(Editor, view) {
        const editor = new Editor({
            view: view,
            snappingControlsElements: {
                featureEnabledToggle: false, // removes "Feature to feature" toggle
                layerList: false // removes Snapping layers list
        view.ui.add(editor, "top-right");
    function DoEsriRequest_GetFeatureLayers(esriRequest, FeatureLayer) {
        var options = {
            query: {
                f: "json"
            responseType: "json"
        var strUrlFeature = strUrl.replace('MapServer', 'FeatureServer');

        esriRequest(strUrlFeature, options).then(function (response) {
            try {

                if (response == null)

                if (response.data == null)

                let responseJSON = JSON.stringify(response, null, 2);
                let arrResponseJSON = JSON.parse(responseJSON);

                for (let i = arrResponseJSON.data.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var objFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer({
                        url: strUrlFeature + "/" + arrResponseJSON.data.layers[i].id,
                        listMode: 'show',
                        editingEnabled: true,
                        labelsVisible: false,
                        hasM: true,
                        gdbVersion: 'DEFAULT',
                        title: arrResponseJSON.data.layers[i].name,
                        opacity: 1


            } catch (e) {



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