Get coordinates of polyline

3 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor III

Hi all,

I want to get screenPoints of polyline (maybe array of points, no problem). For point features i use code:


projection.load().then(function () {
let screenPoint = view.toScreen(feature.geometry);
console.log(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y);
and it works fine, but how can achieve this for polyline?
Thanks in advance 
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1 Reply
New Contributor III

A polyLine is just a series of points inside a 'paths' array.

You can just use a javascript .forEach() to go through each point in the array create a new Point from the coordinates and to output the screenPoint.
Note polyLines can have multiple line segments so you'll want to check each line segment as well.

//pseduoCode example
const polyLine = feature.geometry // Your polyLine feature.
 polyLine.paths.forEach((path) => { //for each line segment inside your polyLine
path.forEach((coordinates) => { //for each coordinate in your line segment
const newPoint = new Point(...) //create a new Point using the path coordinates
let screenPoint = view.toScreen(newPoint );
console.log(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y);

James from
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