How can we disable just scroll-to-zoom and trackpad panning?

03-13-2013 06:36 AM
New Contributor
We have an ArcGIS map inline in the middle of one of our pages.
There are a number of pins on it and we want users to be able to pan around by dragging.
Unfortunately, as they scroll down the page it causes the mouse to get stuck and zoom in/out (on Windows) or scroll the map up (on Mac).

I know it's possible to disable the mouse scroll zoom in/out but how can the trackpad panning be disabled?

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5 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Not sure if this answers your question but have you looked at this help topic?
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New Contributor
Hi Diana,

Unfortunately I've read that page many times but in version 2.7 the "superpan" trackpad navigation is default on Apple devices.
And all the options to enable/disable zooming and panning don't apply to superpan 😞
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Frequent Contributor
I'm late here but we have a (currently undocumented) map constructor option called smartNavigation, which is a boolean. To turn of superpan, use:

smartNavigation: false

when creating a map. We'll get this documented.
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New Contributor
I'm late here but we have a (currently undocumented) map constructor option called smartNavigation, which is a boolean. To turn of superpan, use:

smartNavigation: false

when creating a map. We'll get this documented.

Thank you! I searched for this for 2 hours.

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New Contributor

It appears that disabling smartNavigation automatically enables scrollWheelZoom and it cannot be disabled by either map init options or disableScrollWheelZoom(). Without the ability to disable scroll hijacking we can't use esri maps in our scrollable pages.

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