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IE issue - Help with JS API 4.3 error: 'Object doesn't support property or method 'progressbar'

05-23-2017 02:17 PM
New Contributor


I am running into this error: "Object doesn't support property or method 'progressbar'" that the API is throwing when I am loading the API initially in IE 11 on a client's server machine via my application. I tested it on my own local machine and on the client's end user machine and it doesn't throw it, but for some particular reason it throws the error only in IE on the client's server machine it is on.

Here's a closer look at the error:

Here's the line number: 

Here's the info of IE on the server machine:

If someone could please take a look at this issue as soon as possible, that would help immensely.



4.3‌ #javascript api 4.3

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hello Mike,

You mentioned two locations where it doesn't throw error.

1. your own local machine 
2. and, client's end user machine

And, the machine where it throws error is "client's server machine".

Generally server security policies are different and highly limited compared to client machines.

I suspect that the progress bar script or some other javascripts that are required are not

downloaded and therefore the routine isn't able to find the object and throws this error.

You may find a clue if you can check the network tab in developer's tool to see if any script

didn't download or perhaps it loads but very late.

New Contributor

Mir Hashmi,

I took a look at the network tab in the developer's tool and saw that the call to retrieve the API returns back a 302. From my understanding, that means the web server thinks the URL is being redirected to another URL, and tries an alternate URL instead. Is that an issue that is being caused by the server's security policy? 

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Mike,

This could be happening due to the local proxy that is trying to authenticate these requests and the response isn't coming back.

I think it would be better to involve your system admin or security team to overcome this issue.

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