In what basis Basemap tiles are calculated and where we can find that report in developer dashboard

4 weeks ago
New Contributor

we are using a trail developer account for our POC , Arcgis pricing state that     Basemap tiles of 2,000,000 tiles are free , we have loaded a 'streets-navigation-vector' base map  and layer features but when we check the dashboard of our account we can't able to see any reports showing how many tiles call have been done by the arcgis map we loaded.Please give us a way to check how many tiles our map consuming per session.

2 Replies
New Contributor III

Have you generated an API key and loaded that into the JS framework?
Once that's done, usage can be monitored and shown through the dashboard.

James from
New Contributor

I have created an API key, but in the dashboard, it's showing that only a geocoding service is being consumed. My query is, how are the consumed  tiles being calculated for the map, and where can I find this information?



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