[jsapi 2.5 - AGS10] pb ie8 with featurelayer marker symbol

12-01-2011 10:50 PM
New Contributor

I use the jsapi 2.5 with AGS 10 JAVA.

I've created a feature layer from a feature service with the ON_DEMAND mode.
In the mxd/msd project, my point symbologies are made with fonts.
In the REST API, they appear as Picture Marker Symbol.

In my application, with ie8 the symbols appear as transparent square, with firefox 3.6 there is no problem.

It does the same thing in the legend dijit.

Anyone can help me ?

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II
Search the forum for an answer, I know it exists somewhere. I had the same problem and I was able to fix it.
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New Contributor

Thanx for your answer.

In the forum I've found 2 posts.
The first one was : FeatureLayer not showing image in Internet Explorer 8 or 9

But it didn't solve my problem.
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New Contributor
When I console.log() the "featureLayer.renderer.symbol.url"

ff3.6 affiche :  ...
et ie 8 affiche : http:// server.dom.fr/arcgis/rest/services/secure/feat/MapServer/0/images/ca1f59ee?token=dsfdsfdsfdsfdsf .

When I create the same featureService without security, the features are displayed correctly.
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