JSON To Features Tool : Error 000206

08-13-2013 10:45 AM
New Contributor II
I'm attempting to use the 10.2 JSON to Features Tool from Desktop.  I'm getting the following error:

The named feature class cannot be created as named.

The name that has been specified is likely invalid. Correct the name and try again. All data formats have characters that are considered invalid and should not be used as feature class names. Rename the feature class using characters that are valid for the underlying database. In addition to spaces, the following list contains characters that should not be used in a geodatabase feature class name: `~@#$%^&*()-+|\,<>?{}.!'[]:;. If working in Python, ArcPy has functions that allow you to validate table names and field names. You can use the ValidateTableName or ValidateFieldName functions to ensure that the name is valid.

I have tried removing the Shape.Area and Shape.Len fields, but I receive the same error. Any help is appreciated.
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3 Replies
New Contributor II
As it turns out, the issue was not with the feature class or field names but rather the field type specifications which are apparently case sensitive.

esriFieldTypeInteger NOT esriFieldtypeInteger

Once the case issue was corrected the Conversion tool worked as expected.
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New Contributor III

I'm getting the same error via http://services.thelist.tas.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/Public/CadastreParcels/MapServer/0/query?whe...

and copy/pasting to Notepad++ then running JSONtoFeatures tool...

So I ran the Features to JSON tool to a local FileGeoDB then ran the JSON to Features tool on the result and same error...
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New Contributor

The default file format for Features to JSON TOOL is UTF-8 (BOM none). Change your file using the NOTEPAD ++ in ANSI format. and go... i succeeded.

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