Path Javascript API compact

12-15-2015 12:08 PM
New Contributor II

Hi guys, I'm still beginner again ...

I've installed and configured "Javascript API" in windows.

Now, I'm testing the examples but I have the following question

In the lines of code alone put JSAPI route:

1. <script src = "http: // <myhosting> /arcgis_js_api/library/3.15/3.15compact/"> </ script>
2. <script src = "http: // <myhosting> /arcgis_js_api/library/3.15/3.15/"> </ script>

When I test the example, the error "Access Denied" is displayed, I have solved with the full path of "Init.js" in each

1. <script src = "http: // <myhosting> /arcgis_js_api/library/3.15/3.15compact/init.js"> </ script>
2. <script src = "http: // <myhosting> /arcgis_js_api/library/3.15/3.15/init.js"> </ script>

Is it right to put the full path? .....


Also if I try ESRI path redirects me "Init.js".
You can try it:

Someone can tell me how I can do this redirect

Thank you very much for your answers?

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