Print Widget - request Time out exceeded - Error

01-06-2014 01:22 AM
New Contributor III
Hi GIS folks,
I have created a print widget into my web application on hosted site and it uses the default print service  from ARCGIS
which works perfectly fine.

When I try use my own print service using Export Web Map task using ARCGIS Server 10.1, I am getting the following error from firebug, "Request timeout exceeded" - Can anyone tell me what might be the reason for this.

Secondly, it loads all the custom templates defined in our print service, and when I click on the layout templates, the button changes to printing, but, nothing happens  to show print map in pdf format. - firebug shows post request says that Request timeout exceeded. Please help on this.

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9 Replies
Frequent Contributor
i replied with a suggestion here
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New Contributor III
i replied with a suggestion here

Hi Jgravois
Thank you very much for your reply. Actually, my print service is a synchronous service and it uses execute method, so in the constructor, do i need to set the asynch option to false.

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Frequent Contributor
in the printWidget constructor, 'async' is set to 'false' by default.  you can see this is the case by inspecting the web traffic launched when issuing a print request and confirming that the 'execute' operation is called (as opposed to 'submitJob').

something else must be going wrong on your side.
do you have a valid proxy referenced in your application?
can you post a simplified repro case (perhaps using jsfiddle)?
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New Contributor

Hi Jgravois,

This is in continuation of the raised issue, after setting proper proxy too , same error is appearing .
Please help on this.

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New Contributor II


I'm having "timeout exceed" when I print A0 format. I'm using the javascript api 3.17.

Apache and ProxyPassRevrse to the 10.3.1 gis server. I'm printing with a Geoprocessing service.

I already changed Apache's Timeout and ProxyTimeout but the "Timeout exceed" still happen at 60 sec.

I changed the 3 timeout services' variables as well.

I'm guessing that the timeout is happening in the GIS server and that is the answer I getting from my webserver.

I don't know what other "Timeout" variable to change.

Can somebody help with this please.

Thanks in advance

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New Contributor

I am having exactly same issue as Ganesh. i.e. print operation works fine using ArcGIS print service but when I replace that with out ArcGIS Server print service it times out. I have done some debugging seems like when I remove all the data layers from the map object and just have basemap then my print service works but if I have those data layers added on the map then it fails (this issue doesn't happen when I use ArcGIS print service). Any thoughts?

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MVP Emeritus

If you all are using ArcGIS Server on Windows then you may need to increase the executionTimeout in your IIS web.config.

how i can increase the IIS execution time out | The ASP.NET Forums 

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New Contributor II

I found a solution changing the which is 60 sec by default and incrementing timeout in my webserver as well. I'm using Apache 2.4

New Contributor

Tried both of the above but still same issue. Seems to be the outside ESRI print service can add the data layers and create output map but our own print service caanot access the data layers and throws timeout error.

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