Using geoprocessor with ESRI street maps

12-21-2011 06:59 AM
New Contributor III
I would like to create a custom geoprocessing tool to provide drive times from a specific location.

Is there any way to publish my own gp drivetime service on my own gis server, and use it to create and serve drive times using an ESRI map service (eg World Street Map), or must I use my own Network layer for the tool to create the drivetime polygons?
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2 Replies
MVP Alum
I would like to create a custom geoprocessing tool to provide drive times from a specific location.

Is there any way to publish my own gp drivetime service on my own gis server, and use it to create and serve drive times using an ESRI map service (eg World Street Map), or must I use my own Network layer for the tool to create the drivetime polygons?

The World Street map is a "Dumb" basemap, it is just a picture.  You would need to publish a Network Dataset for use by a custom geoprocessing tool and overlay the results on the basemap.
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New Contributor III
Gotcha. Where do folks that use road networking functionality get a good USA road network shapefile? Is there one in the arcgis 10 desktop install somewhere?
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