WebMap JSON and Identifying Visible Layers

02-04-2014 11:56 AM
New Contributor III
I am creating my map based on the Web Map JSON format:


Doing this, identify operations are automatically set up according to the popup configuration in the JSON.  (In other words, I don't have to write code myself to set up IdentifyTasks.)

If a given operational layer is visible, the default identify behavior appears to identify against the default visible layers.  However, I am switching layers on and off through the setVisibleLayers function here:


Doing this, the pop-ups will sometimes display results for layers that aren't visible.

Is it possible to change this behavior without rewriting the identify logic myself?

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2 Replies
New Contributor
I am struggling with this same issue. I'd prefer no to rewrite the identify logic, as there are many layer types already supported by the default behavior. There must be a mechanism for changing this so the popup respects it but I have yet to find it. I will post here if I stumble across a solution.
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