WMTS-Sublayer: select a specific time

03-08-2022 06:07 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Hi there!

I've got a WMTS-service with multiple sublayers. One of these sublayers is calles "(530) SWISSIMAGE Zeitreise". I manage to display this sublayer. However this sublayer itself contains multiple timestamps: Possible values for "Time" are "current", "2020", "2019", ..., "1970". default is "current". 

I wish to be able to choose not only the sublayer but also the displayed time. Is this possible? if yes, how can it be achieved?

used WMTS-service: https://wmts.geo.admin.ch/EPSG/2056/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml>>search for "SWISSIMAGE Zeitreise".

What I managed so far is displayed in my Codepen: https://codepen.io/nwp_nadja_bernhard/pen/KKyLvjB?editors=1000

Thank you in advance!


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