converting jpeg imagery to raster using mapinfo 10.1

04-05-2013 12:41 PM
New Contributor
i'm from Lebanon, i have a thesis about fish wealth and fishing.
my question is: do i need the ARCGIS for maritime Bathymetry  or charting, or even the ARCGIS for desktop is enough?

and how to convert a jpeg to raster to use it via mapinfo ?
an which website can i get bathymetric maps for free?
thank you
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1 Reply
New Contributor

As long as you are not creating or maintaining a maritime chart product or managing volumes of bathymetric data, ArcGIS Desktop should be enough for your needs.

As for your second question, you should be able to perform the conversion using the "Raster to Other Format (multiple)" geoprocessing tool available in the Conversion Tools toolbox.

I'm not sure if this answers your last question, but you can download bathymetric data for free at the NOAA Bathymetry Viewer site (

Sabeshan Srinivasan
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