Possible to set up stand alone Maritime Chart Service MapServer?

01-20-2016 02:29 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

Hi there,

I have set up a Maritime Chart Service by following these guides:

Setting Maritime Chart Service properties—Documentation  (10.3 and 10.3.1) | ArcGIS for Server

Managing data for unencrypted S-57 datasets—Documentation (10.3 and 10.3.1) | ArcGIS for Server

Managing data for S-63 encrypted datasets—Documentation (10.3 and 10.3.1) | ArcGIS for Server

I have the service up and running but the guides only tell me how to attach a Maritime Chart Service to an existing published service, not as a stand alone service.

How would I accomplish this?

EDIT: ArcGIS Server version is 10.3.1, Maritime for Server extension version is 10.3.


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Byron,

If you want to enable the Maritime Chart Service capability on an empty map service then you can achieve this by doing the following steps:

  • Create a file geodatabase with a single empty table
  • Add table to ArcMap
  • Add another layer to ArcMap that contain data.  This is necessary to start the publishing process or it will not enable.
  • Got to File-->Share As-->Service
  • Go through the publish wizard until you reach the step to analyze your data.  At that point remove the layer from your TOC that contains data and only leave your empty table in the TOC.
  • Publish your service

There are a few things to be aware of if you plan to do this

  1. You will get an error code when you try to access the service ArcGIS REST Services Directory.
  2. There might be other error codes or different behavior as this is not an recommended workflow.

An alternative is to piggy back on Sample World cities.  You can quickly create a secondary map service using ArcGIS Server Administrator with.  This would work with any existing map service.

  1. Login into ArcGIS Server Administrator
  2. Click on services
  3. Click on SampleWorldCities
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click REST
  5. Select all and copy the service information
  6. Go back to the page that shows your SampleWorldCities service (click back on your browser twice)
  7. Go to the location you want to create your new service and click createService
  8. Paste your JSON code
  9. Mandatory: Change the service name (first line of JSON code)
  10. Optional: update your description
  11. Optional: Go to the end of the JSON and update your MCS workingDirectory, datasetsDirectory, and controlFilesDirectory properties.
  12. You can do steps 11 once your service is created by clicking on the Maritime Chart Service capability.

Hope this helps,


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