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Esri Smart Ports Webinar Series - April 21st and 29th, May 4th 2021

04-14-2021 10:48 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
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This series of  Esri Smart Ports webinars shows how Esri is providing new approaches, ideas and assistance to European projects whose aim is to digitize ports faster, and more efficiently, as a valuable public infrastructure in the global supply chain.

Now offered on the following dates:

April 21st at 10:00 am (Madrid CET/ GMT + 1) - Navigating towards a Port Infrastructure digital Twin.

April 29th at 10:00 am (Madrid CET/ GMT + 1) - Navigating towards Data Science Management in Ports.

May 4th at 04:00 pm (Madrid CET/ GMT + 1) - Operations Safety: Automation of Electronic Port Charts.


En esta serie de webinars Esri Smart Ports podrás ver como Esri proporciona nuevos planteamientos, ideas, asistencia a proyectos para las manifestaciones de interés sobre los fondos Europeos cuyo objetivo es digitalizar más rápido y de forma eficiente  el puerto como infraestructura pública en la cadena de suministro global.

21 de Abril, 10.00: Navegando hacía el Gemelo digital de la infraestructura portuaria.

29 de Abril, 10.00: Navegando hacia la gestión del Data Science dentro del ámbito portuario.

4 de Mayo, 16:00: Seguridad en las Operaciones: Automatización de cartas electrónicas portuarias

New Contributor

Are these webinars available online to view now afterwards?


New Contributor

Hi David,

They are available, the first two, the third one, my presentation, will be available in a couple of days. If you registered for the webinars, Esri Spain will send you the link to the videos. If you didn't registered, please let me know and I can see how to get them to you.


New Contributor

I did not register for the webbare as I just found out about then. Would be greatful If you could send med the links.

Best regards,
New Contributor III


send me links for webinars also please


