Dependent layers or maps

04-02-2024 05:48 AM
New Contributor III

If it was possible to see the layers within each map service within monitor that would be excellent.  I have used other products similar to this and had the ability to report on a map service and what web maps it was a part of along with a specific layer and which service it was apart of.  It helped with figuring out when updates are needed what services and maps also need to be possibly updated as well. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Hi @ChrisBerryman,

If it was possible to see the layers within each map service within monitor that would be excellent. 

Can you please elaborate more on what your expectation is on how this capability would work in ArcGIS Monitor?

For example, would showing this type of "item" relationships (e.g., layers - services - web maps - apps) in a connectivity graph meet your needs? or would a generated list showing how items are "connected" be sufficient?

I have used other products similar to this and had the ability to report on a map service and what web maps it was a part of along with a specific layer and which service it was apart of.

Can you please share the name of the product or feel free to email me directly ( if you prefer.

I'm asking because we are actively collecting user feedback and requirements on this capability.

Thanks in advance,


@DerekLaw I think if it was a connectivity graph that would be awesome, otherwise just a list showing relationships between layers and map services and web maps would be sufficient.  For example, knowing which web map depends on certain services if you're trying to reorganize unused map services or even the layers within a service and want to combine items that are used into one service and remove other ones. 

I had something like this in geocortex analytics. 


Not sure if it helps, but we created a bunch of Python scripts to audit the different components, Wrote the data to SQL tables, then made a View so we could query anywhere along the line, and it would return the relationships from the databases to the WAB widgets.

Maybe something similar could be done where a view is created on the postgres database, then you would be able to make a query and generate a similar report.