Overwrite ArcGIS Online Feature Service using ArcGIS Pro Project

01-17-2024 12:38 PM

Overwrite ArcGIS Online Feature Service using ArcGIS Pro Project

Previously, I wrote an document on how to overwrite an ArcGIS Online feature service by referencing a feature class and using a truncate/append method.  I received a lot of feedback from this document, with some users encountering limitations such as attachments not being supported, and updating services containing multiple layers.  This solution is aimed to address these limitations.  Below is a script to overwrite an ArcGIS Online feature service by referencing an ArcGIS Pro project, and a video on how to use the script.  Please comment below if there are any issues or questions.



import arcpy, os, time
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import FeatureLayerCollection

# Variables
prjPath = r"C:\Projects\GeoNET\GeoNET.aprx"                 # Path to Pro Project
map = 'State Parks'                                         # Name of map in Pro Project
serviceDefID = '3fa1620c47dc490db43b9370e8cf5df8'           # Item ID of Service Definition
featureServiceID = 'fb42ef7b43154f95b8b6ad7357b7f663'       # Item ID of Feature Service
portal = "https://www.arcgis.com"                           # AGOL
user = "jskinner_rats"                                      # AGOL username
password = "********"                                       # AGOL password
shrOrg = False                                              # True/False to either share with Organization or not
shrEveryone = False                                         # True/False to either share with Everyone or not
shrGroups = ["f8e2c785c963441f9b2906e0cc269237"]            # Comma delimited Group IDs to share service with
preserveEditorTracking = True                               # True/False to preserve editor tracking from feature class
unregisterReplicas = True                                   # True/False to unregister existing replicas

# Set Environment Variables
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1

# Start Timer
startTime = time.time()

print(f"Connecting to AGOL")
gis = GIS(portal, user, password)

# Local paths to create temporary content
sddraft = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "WebUpdate.sddraft")
sd = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "WebUpdate.sd")
sdItem = gis.content.get(serviceDefID)

# Create a new SDDraft and stage to SD
print("Creating SD file")
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
prj = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(prjPath)
mp = prj.listMaps(map)[0]
serviceDefName = sdItem.title
arcpy.mp.CreateWebLayerSDDraft(mp, sddraft, serviceDefName, 'MY_HOSTED_SERVICES', 'FEATURE_ACCESS', '', True, True)
arcpy.StageService_server(sddraft, sd)

# Reference existing feature service to get properties
fsItem = gis.content.get(featureServiceID)
flyrCollection = FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(fsItem)
existingDef = flyrCollection.properties

# Get thumbnail and metadata
thumbnail_file = fsItem.download_thumbnail(arcpy.env.scratchFolder)
metadata_file = fsItem.download_metadata(arcpy.env.scratchFolder)

# Unregister existing replicas
if unregisterReplicas:
    if flyrCollection.properties.syncEnabled:
        print("Unregister existing replicas")
        for replica in flyrCollection.replicas.get_list():
            replicaID = replica['replicaID']

# Overwrite feature service
print("Overwriting existing feature service")
if preserveEditorTracking:
    pub_params = {"editorTrackingInfo" : {"preserveEditUsersAndTimestamps":'true'}}
    fs = sdItem.publish(overwrite=True, publish_parameters=pub_params)
    fs = sdItem.publish(overwrite=True)

# Update service with previous properties
print("Updating service properties")

# Update thumbnail and metadata
print("Updating thumbnail and metadata")
fs.update(thumbnail=thumbnail_file, metadata=metadata_file)

print("Setting sharing options")
fs.share(org=shrOrg, everyone=shrEveryone, groups=shrGroups)

print("Clearing scratch directory")
arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.env.scratchFolder
for file in arcpy.ListFiles():
    if file.split(".")[-1] in ('sd', 'sddraft', 'png', 'xml'):

endTime = time.time()
elapsedTime = round((endTime - startTime) / 60, 2)
print(f"Script completed in {elapsedTime} minutes")



Update 2/2/24:  Added the option to unregister existing replicas



This version is working great. Been working with it all week on my electric and water dataset(s). All of my relationship classes stay intact and the attachments are all loaded after running the script. Will continue to work with it and develop my update workflow and let you know if I run into any new issues or bugs.

As of now, the Hosted Feature Layers are used in a web map being used in Field Maps. We are also using ESRI Workforce for our field crews and those maps/datasets need to have sync enabled, I am curious on adding those feature layers to some of our Workforce Projects and seeing how this update procedure works.

Appreciate your help!!

Hi @JakeSkinner,

Thank you so much for this updated script! 

It's exactly what we have been attempting to keep sync enabled and not break the replicas, and also overwrite the HFL with attachments.

Unfortunately I am running into an issue once testing it with an offline layer in Field Maps. The script runs perfectly before adding it to Field Maps (I believe before creating any replicas?). 

But in the "Overwrite Feature Service" block, I receive this error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
In  [65]:
Line 9:     fs = sdItem.publish(overwrite=True)

File C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\__init__.py, in publish:
Line 12740: elif not buildInitialCache and ret[0]["type"].lower() == "image service":

KeyError: 'type'

I removed the replica by removing it from Field Maps, and tested the script again and it still works.

We have field workers offline for days at a time, so this is a roadblock. 

The script is the same besides the fact I must sign into AGOL through Pro gis = GIS("pro") in order to bypass mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication.

Any idea how this error could be resolved?

Greatly appreciate your help! 🙂


Version history
Last update:
‎02-02-2024 06:16 AM
Updated by: