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Hosted Feature Layer View filter by logged in user

10-06-2022 03:48 PM
Status: Open
MVP Regular Contributor

Add the ability to filter features in Hosted Feature Layer Views by logged in user.

This is similar to editor settings restricting users to see features they created. Except the editor tracking fields are system-managed and you would need to log in as the end user to 'create' the features they can see.

It would be great if we can create a field in a Hosted Feature Layer, assign username values to it and then create a Hosted Feature Layer View with a filter on this field by the logged in user.

This would allow us to greatly control who can see what work is assigned to them in a variety of apps.


In the Settings of the hosted view layer, you can change "What features can editors see?" to "Editors can only see their own features"

Note that confusingly this is in the Editing menu, so you will need to Enable editing, update the settings mentioned above, Save, and then disable editing again if you don't want them to have editing permissions.

Thanks for your post. Editor settings do not allow other users (e.g.
managers) to create records for this user to see.

Yes I agree that is a problem. I raised that issue on this forum some time ago but so far no response from ESRI:


Thanks. My question was more general than just Survey123, as a method for tagging records by user wouldn't necessarily require Survey123 to be involved.



I have been waiting for a solution to this as well. We have records we would like to "assign" to users. Too many custom field map forms and webmap expressions to create a custom view layer for each user.