Best practice to make local copy of hosted feature services?

10-22-2014 08:45 PM
Occasional Contributor III

I'm after the best way to schedule a task to download a copy of a hosted feature in arcpy.

Gordon Summerling from ESRI Oz talked about downloading hosted services during OZRI 2014, but I can't seem to find in his presentation where he talked about how to do it.

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Perhaps we can get Gordon Sumerling‌ to reply to this...


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Peter,

In our presentation at OZRI we were using an Enterprise Geodatabase (SQL Server) local on our computers and an Enterprise Geodatabase (SQL Server) on an Amazon cloud server.

From the Enterprise Geodatabase on the Amazon cloud server we created Map/Feature services in ArcGIS Server. These were then consumed via ArcGIS Online to create a webmap which Collector for ArcGIS consumed.

The data was synced between the Enterprise Geodatabase (SQL Server) local on our computers with the Enterprise Geodatabase (SQL Server) on an Amazon cloud server via Geodata services running on the Amazon cloud service using the Distributed Geodatabase tool set in ArcGIS Desktop.

Currently you cannot do this syncing direct from ArcGIS Online to your internal systems you need the data to be hosted in a web service that is accessible to ArcGIS Online.



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Occasional Contributor II

take a look at this thread: How to edit a feature class used in a Feature Service via Python?

Has some sample python code used to 'edit' data as a service.  this could be used as a starting point to create a 'featureset' of the data and then store that featureset in a local file geodatabase feature class. 

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