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Export image with custom style using rest api

01-19-2024 06:33 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I'm working in unreal engine using ArcGIS and i'm trying to display a map, both in 3D, but also in 2D inside a widget, using a custom style.


For the 3D map i just followed the tutorial and it worked well enough. I've made a style using the style editor, starting with "OpenStreetMap Light Gray Canvas Base" as a base. I've then used the item ID as the basemap and that works perfectly.


However when i'm not displaying the full 3D map i need to show a smaller 2D map in a widget. Currently i've been using Bing's static maps API to request a png on the desired location and zoom level, however i'd like to use one source if possible to keep both map styles consistent and updated.

Bing's request looks like this: ` and i'd need something similar.


However since before i was using a simple URL to fetch the image, i'm struggling to do the same with my custom style. The rest API documentation mentions that there is an export function for image services, but i saw no way to specify a style and i'm working with a vector tile service instead, which doesn't have an export function.

Does anyone know how i can accomplish this?

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