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Hosted Feature Service does not populate edit tracking fields in feature class

08-23-2012 08:56 AM
New Contributor III
I have a FGDB feature class which I deployed from ArcMap 10.1 as a Feature Service to ArcGIS Online for Orgs Hosted Services. I enabled 1) Editing (Add, Update, Delete) and 2) Track Edits. Feature Service is shared with the members of my organization.

The edit tracking works as expected when accessed from JavaScript map viewer; ArcGIS Explorer Online; and from ArcGIS iOS app. The CreationDate, Creator, EditDate, and Editor fields are populated as expected when viewed from these clients.

However, when I connect to the Feature Service from ArcMap 10.1, those same fields in the attribute table are not populated. The CreationDate and EditDate fields all default to 12:00:00 AM; the Creator and Editor field values are all NULL.

Interestingly, when I go to>MyContent>click on the Feature Service>export the layer to shapefile, the resulting shapefile attribute table does contain the CreationDate, Creator, EditDate, and Editor fields, and they are all populated with usernames and dates.

So there seems to be a bug when a hosted feature service is accessed with ArcMap 10.1. In that case the edit tracking fields are included in the attribute table, but they are not populated.
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
That is curious. I searched the Esri Resource Center and found that this behavior has actually been logged as a bug:

It looks like Development is aware of the behavior. Thanks for posting this!
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New Contributor
I also have a similar problem with this.

In my case, I made a feature service from ArcMap 10.1 to ArcGIS Online.
And I opened this feature service again in ArcMap to add feature like this.

1) ArcMap 10.1 > File > Add Data > Add Data From ArcGIS Online > select my feature service, then

This feature service added normally but didn't display any features in ArcMap document although
I could see them in the attribute table.


2) I created "Local copy for Editing".

Then I still couldn't see anything in ArcMap document and even more all data in the attribute table disappeared.

Is it also a known bug of "Hosted feature service"?

Thanks in adavance.
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