How do I enable editing in an ArcGIS Online app??

06-29-2016 11:32 AM
New Contributor III

OK, so I can create an ArcGIS Online *map* that enables editing, no problem. In my "My Content" folder I click on the feature layer and select "add layer to map with full editing control."

But when I save that map, and add it to an *app,* it will not let me edit anything within the app, even though I've added the editing widget to the app. In the editing popup it says ""Feature creation is disabled for all layers."

I've also tried the following:

-- In the "edit application" page of my app, I can click on the Map tab, select "Edit this Map," select "Add Layer from File" and then upload a zipped shapefile into my app, making sure to enable editing after it adds it to the map. Then save everything. Unfortunately when I do that and click on the editing widget, the editing popup says "Feature creation is disabled for all layers." It seems to give me that message no matter what I do.

-- Oddly, if I upload the same zipped shapefile from not within the app, but from within my "My Content" page, and then try to add that layer to my map, it doesn't even have an option to enable editing after I add it to the map. This is unfortunate, because when I add it in this way, I can actually see where (what folder) the layer is located in. On the other hand, when I add in the zipped shapefile from within the app (actually, from within the map editor) itself, for the life of me I cannot find where it puts that layer. I presume it's embedded within the map somewhere, but if I ever wanted to copy that layer to my computer or somewhere else, I'd be at a loss where the heck it was located.

What am I missing?

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5 Replies
New Contributor III

One other thing ... when I add or modify the edit widget, it does not show any editable layers under "Editable," even though I've already made the layer editable when I added it to the map.

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New Contributor III

I *think* figured out half of my question - you have to enable editing by opening the feature class itself (from My Content), not from within the map (or app). *Why* they allow you to enable editing from within the map, when it doesn't *really* enable editing, is beyond me.

Now if I could just figure out where the feature layer is stored when you upload it from within the map, then my question(s) will be resolved.

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Esri Frequent Contributor


It sounds like editing isn't enabled on your feature service. As the owner of a hosted feature service or having an Administrator role in your organization, you have some additional capabilities such as opening a feature service with full editing control. In order to create an app or a web map with editing functionality stored, you will need to enable editing on the feature service and then add it to the web map and app as needed.

Read the following documentation for more information about enabling editing on feature services: Manage hosted web layers—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS

Are you looking for where the feature layer is stored within your content?


New Contributor III

Hi Kelly- I'm having the same issue as the original poster, but I've already enabled editing in the feature service's settings and the error still comes up. Any idea why? I've tried signing out and in after enabling editing.

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New Contributor II


I have exactly the same issue. Even with an existing Web Map App where I 've already enabled editing and it functions. If I try to edit that App now, the Editing widget shows no layers (fortunately the editing still works for the earlier added layers). Adding the same map with editable layers to a new Web Map App no editable layers show up.

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