KMZ Basemap Services in Google Earth

01-24-2013 08:22 AM
New Contributor III
Does anyone know why a few of the basemaps will work when brought into Google Earth Pro and others will not?  For example when I go to and click on view in Google Earth, it shows up fine in Google.  But, does not.  My only guess would be the spatial reference...?  I tried saving the kmz to a local drive and generating a kmz file to no avail.
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2 Replies
New Contributor
Does anyone know why a few of the basemaps will work when brought into Google Earth Pro and others will not?  For example when I go to and click on view in Google Earth, it shows up fine in Google.  But, does not.  My only guess would be the spatial reference...?  I tried saving the kmz to a local drive and generating a kmz file to no avail.

I'm having the same issue. Attempting overlay the light gray canvas basemap in google earth and it never loads. Hopefully somebody knows how to solve this.
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Esri Notable Contributor
The work for me in google earth (not pro). It seems like I have to zoom out to get it to work. But once it starts drawing, it's fine.


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