Map Notes in an app

10-24-2018 01:54 PM
Occasional Contributor III

I have a simple map note showing an arrow which shows traffic direction on a street in a web map, created in AGOL in the map viewer.  In the associated web map application, the arrow is not visible.  The note is in the operational layer listing, and I can zoom to it, but the arrow is not visible in the application.  I have no restrictions on the visibility range.  I am not sure why the arrow is not visible in the application.  Traffic direction has changed from 2-way to 1-way, so it would be useful to have the arrow show.  Thoughts?

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4 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Which app are you using? Is your webmap/app public? If so can you share the url here? 

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Occasional Contributor III

Hi Kelly!

The app is Esri's Public Parking solution.  The map note is called 'Amstel Avenue - One Way' and is in the operational layer list of the application.

Thank you,


Here is the public link: ArcGIS Web Application 

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Looks like you are using the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS‌ so cross posting there might help. I did some testing and the layer does show up in other configurable apps like this one: 

When testing your app I took a look at the developer console and there are a few errors about about the Coordinates widget so perhaps try to turn off that widget and see if that helps? 

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Occasional Contributor III

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for the quick response.  Right, it is WebAppBuilder, sorry about that, I have been trying several options so I forgot which app I was using.  I went into the Edit Application screen from the app's Item page in AGOL, and switched off the Coordinate widget, saved, refreshed, but still no arrow.  I am curious as to why, but for now I am switching us back to using the Parking Locator application.  I shied away from the app for a couple of reasons, but will revert back to it, as I have a better understanding of the configuration side now.



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