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Map package is blank

03-31-2017 07:46 PM
New Contributor

Hi All,

So I needed to create a Map Package and upload it to ArcGIS online for a course I'm doing...

The problem is, the Map Package file is empty. Everytime I create a Map Package file it doesn't have any layers/anything at all. I'm using my Geology Lab computers, ARCGIS 10.3.1. It's a simple Map with 2 layers and one basemap.

I'd really appreciate help,


3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Are you using the option of File > Share as > Map package in ArcMap? Creating a map package—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

or Package Map Geoprocessing tool? Package Map—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Cross verify if you are missing any step/parameter.

Think Location
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New Contributor

Hey Jayanta,

I've tried both methods, neither of them worked. I did crosscheck with the links before posting on here as well ...

The problem doesn't see to be specific to any one map document, I tried packaging multiple maps and none of them worked. Could this have something to do with the 'view'? The map is in layout view with a legend, scalebar etc. I'm using the computers at my university lab, they're running ARCGIS 10.3.1

MVP Emeritus

The package toolset is for consolidating data and associated materials into one location for distribution.  You refer to a layout... it sounds like your intent is to try to distribute a layout or export a map.  If you are using relative paths in your projects and want everything to be the same on another machine, use 'relative paths' for the project and simply zip and ship the project and the folders within its path.  When it is unzipped in another location the project can be opened with everything intact... data, the mxd and the layouts and dataframes.

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