new changes to AGS for Organizations

03-22-2013 07:02 AM
New Contributor III
Other Changes to ArcGIS Online (bad ones in my opinion)

New sharing workflows for public accounts???Public accounts, previously known as personal accounts, can no longer create private groups(december release),(this part was added to march release) join private or organizational groups, or share items to groups unless the items are shared with everybody (public). Existing private items in public groups will remain private; ArcGIS Online will not turn existing private items or groups public.

The fact that a person with a public account can't be invited to use services in an organizational account makes no sense..... I saw no mention of this back in december.
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New Contributor III
I also agree that prohibiting ArcGIS Online subscription organizations to privately share maps and feature services with public accounts is a step backward and severely limits the possibilities for engagement.

We were notified in a March 1st 2013 blog that:

Under the updated Terms of Use, ArcGIS Online public account holders can no longer share items privately, or create private groups.  Public account holders can continue to create public groups and can share items publicly, or can keep items completely unshared for their own use and viewing. Note that existing private items and groups will not become public.
If you want to continue to create private groups and items for private collaboration and sharing, you can purchase an ArcGIS Online subscription, which also provides access to other ArcGIS Online features and services.

No mention that ArcGIS Online subscriptions will no longer be able to privately share maps and data with public/personal accounts.

A fairly large change in my opinion with no warning.

It is my understanding that there is now no way to have any spatial data submitted privately to an ArcGIS Online organization without using an ArcGIS Online organization account. We can prohibit editing features submitted by others in public maps but all data must now remains available to anonymous users.

A whole area of opportunity for mass spatial engagement just disappeared.
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New Contributor III
It's like pulling the rug out from under you... The old bait and switch....
It kinda feels like Netflix a few years back by raising prices 60%... See how many people it pissed off and left...they gave no warning and confused customers.... ESRI is doing the same thing in my opinion.
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