OGC WMS Service Will Not Display in ArcGIS.com viewer or Explorer.

09-14-2011 11:15 AM
New Contributor
Hello all,

We have successfully installed Geoserver and are now testing a couple of WMS services.  I have successfully connected to these services (two layers and a group layer) through ArcGIS Desktop with great success.  However, when I try to add the data to either Explorer or the ArcGIS.com viewer it will not display (even though it zooms to the correct extent).

ArcGIS.com map --> http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=1efcbb4d358542e6848ad3738018aea0

Our Geoserver WMS info --> http://geoserver.maurerstutzinc.com:8080/geoserver/ows?SERVICE=WMS&

Has anyone run into the same problem?  I have the group layer set up to display in Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere so that it can display on either platform.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance!
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10 Replies
Occasional Contributor
After investigating, I found that the map makes the following request to the WMS service:


First, it is missing the port 8080 specification and the second thing I see is that it includes an extra "SERVICE=WMS&" in the URL at the beginning of the parameters. I altered the URL and got this the request to work in a web browser:

I used this URL

and it is still stripping the port number from all map requests, but uses the proper URL for a GetCapabilities request when selecting the Description option from its context menu.

Seems like a bug with how the URL is used to generate getMap requests and should be logged through ESRI Support. You could try the Contact Us link, however that may not get to the correct people.
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Esri Notable Contributor
I can reproduce the issue. We're investigating the problem.


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New Contributor
Mike and Tony,

Thanks to the both of you for looking into this!

Trip Barton
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New Contributor
Mike and Tony,

We were able to reconfigure the Geoserver requests to use Port 80 (rather than the default Port 8080 setup) and now everything appears to be working well (I can now see the newly added service on ArcGIS.com with the following URL --> http://geoserver.maurerstutzinc.com/geoserver/ows?).

Please let us know if there needs to be anything done on our end to help you figure out the port stripping problem.

Trip Barton
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New Contributor
We are just going through the same pain. Having successfully installed Geoserver to serve data to ArcGIS Online, the Sharepoint plug-in and ArcGIS Explorer, I find that I can't see the services in any of these.
It would be really great to be able to make full use of these tools so I would add my voice to the requests to have this fixed.
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Esri Notable Contributor

I can't seem to connect to your service at all...is it secured or something?

If either of you can expose the service so we can test out the port number problem, that would be help us.


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New Contributor
Hi Mike
We took the server down to re-route ports to try the port 80 work-around. It seems to have set us back further.
I have successfully connected to the new service using ArcView on URL: http://geoserver.ecsecc.org/geoserver/topp/wms?

On Google Earth on URL: http://geoserver.ecsecc.org/geoserver/wms/kml?layers=topp:states

which then gets the service under URL: http://geoserver.ecsecc.org:80/geoserver/wms?height=1024&width=1024&layers=topp:states&request=GetMa...

On QGIS on URL: http://geoserver.ecsecc.org/geoserver/topp/wms?

Please try these and let me know how you go.
Let us know if there is anything you want us to try or any settings we should change as we really want to use these services in the Arc products (ArcOnline, Sharepoint, Explorer).

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Esri Notable Contributor

I still can't access your WMS. I'm trying to get the capabilities and make sure that the GetMap tag has the proper URL that includes the port number.


Perhaps you can provide the proper URL or check the GetMap tag.


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New Contributor
Service is working fine now after playing around with proxies and changing to port 80.

See: http://geoserver.ecsecc.org/geoserver/wms

However it still doesn't work in the Sharepoint Plug-in?? I can create the ArcGIS.com map, but on viewing in Sharepoint, there is no data shown on the map.
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