Open ArcGIS Online map in ArcGIS Desktop

08-04-2011 07:03 AM
New Contributor II
I made a map in ArcGIS Online, and now I want to open it in ArcMap...but I get an error message that reads: "Could not open specified file".  Is there a patch / workaround for this?  The latest service pack for Desktop lists this as an issue that's been fixed, but it's still not working.

-Josh G.
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Hi Josh
Sorry about the issue preventing web maps from opening in ArcGIS Desktop 10. This is still a problem in 10.0 Service Pack 2. The fix for this issue (NIM065725) is on track for being released in 10.0 Service Pack 3 later this year. However, this won't provide direct support for all the different types of data found in a web map. It will support ArcGIS map services, ArcGIS image services and OGC WMS services in web maps but not web map layers based on uploaded shapefiles, CSV files, GPX files, KML network links, or note features. Support for this wider range of web map content is planned for the ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 release in Q1 2012.
New Contributor II
Ok.  Thanks for the info.  I'll keep an eye out for 10.1.
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New Contributor
Is there a fix for loading webmaps for arcgis online that use feature services based on shapefiles available yet?.  I am still loking for a solution to this problem.

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